Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and the father figures! I’m forever grateful to have Mila and Monica in my life! A game changer and I couldn’t be happier to spend my 1st Father’s Day with them  ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and the father figures! I’m forever grateful to have Mila and Monica in my life! A game changer and I couldn’t be happier to spend my 1st Father’s Day with them ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and the father figures! I’m forever grateful to have Mila and Monica in my life! A game changer and I couldn’t be happier to spend my 1st Father’s Day with them ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #fathers #daddy #patricebergeron #37 #roses...
On this lovely day 4, I’m gonna learn some more Spanish, learn how to properly flip an egg, then maybe go train my dolphin! Not really sure how I’m gonna last the “supposedly” 30 days but stay safe everyone, if there is a zombie apocalypse then I’m headed to the ocean! Never seen a zombie swim! Yet!!!!!! . . . . .

On this lovely day 4, I’m gonna learn some more Spanish, learn how to properly flip an egg, then maybe go train my dolphin! Not really sure how I’m gonna last the “supposedly” 30 days but stay safe everyone, if there is a zombie apocalypse then I’m headed to the ocean! Never seen a zombie swim! Yet!!!!!! . . . . .

https://www.amirgoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/on-this-lovely-day-4-i’m-gonna-learn-some-more-spanish-learn-how-to-properly-flip-an-egg-then-mayb.mp4 On this lovely day 4, I’m gonna learn some more Spanish, learn how to properly flip an egg, then maybe go train...
2020, I promised to still love the same thangs lol…Ocean Views and Sunsets! Starting the year off right! I’m glad to be back in Los Angeles, nothing like home…now check out this Sunset overlooking the Pacific Ocean DOUBLE TAP TO LIKE :) . . . . .

2020, I promised to still love the same thangs lol…Ocean Views and Sunsets! Starting the year off right! I’m glad to be back in Los Angeles, nothing like home…now check out this Sunset overlooking the Pacific Ocean DOUBLE TAP TO LIKE :) . . . . .

2020, I promised to still love the same thangs lol…Ocean Views and Sunsets! Starting the year off right! I’m glad to be back in Los Angeles, nothing like home…now check out this Sunset overlooking the Pacific Ocean DOUBLE TAP TO LIKE 🙂 . . . . . #family...