LOS ANGELES! I’m terrible at massages but now I’ll be semi terrible! Education is the future baby lol! If you want to join to visit the link in .joon profile and sign up before its FULL! Also it’s on  ! Fellas show ur ladies you can learn and have magical hands again lol Ladies, we will trade no complaining for a day for a massage 🤪!

LOS ANGELES! I’m terrible at massages but now I’ll be semi terrible! Education is the future baby lol! If you want to join to visit the link in .joon profile and sign up before its FULL! Also it’s on ! Fellas show ur ladies you can learn and have magical hands again lol Ladies, we will trade no complaining for a day for a massage 🤪!

LOS ANGELES! I’m terrible at massages but now I’ll be semi terrible! Education is the future baby lol! If you want to join to visit the link in @nilou.joon profile and sign up before its FULL! Also it’s on @airbnbexperiences ! Fellas show ur ladies you can learn and...