oohhhh YES! one of my favorite days of the YEAR! The Superbowl, I love spending this beautiful day either in Los Angeles at my Friends Dads place who has one of the best home SB parties out there! orrrr TAKE ME DIRECTLY TO LAS VEGAS BABBYYY! This year I have confirmed my trip and will be exploring Las Vegas at a TBD watch party for the Super Bowl! If you have never been it’s soooo much fun and I would highly recommend you look into it. IF not, no worries, turn on your notifications so I can show you the light and maybe next year you’ll sing a different tune 🙂 It’s that time of year again wooo hoo i’m excited already! #turnonyournotifications #LasVegas #vivalasvegas #livevlog #liveanddirect #enjoytheview #shotforshot #allyoucandrink #allyoucaneat #allyoucandrink #takemetoheaven #ilovevegas #caesarentertainment #totalrewards #amirgoes #mahboobtubetv #mbbtv #travelvlog #sportsvlog #youtube #showyouthelight #nfl #superbowlwatchparty #live #livevlog #go49ers #vivalasvegas #vegasbaby #youremoneybaby
The Strip, Las Vegas, Nevada
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