
Mark it down! Put it in my calendar! Don’t make plans with me unless it’s a “see you at the banc”! I’m there times 1000 lol

Mark it down! Put it in my calendar! Don’t make plans with me unless it’s a “see you at the banc”! I’m there times 1000 lol #seeyouatthebanc #newyear #sameme #amirgoes #mahboobtubetv #vlog #sportsvlog #vlogit #seeyouthere #losangeles #cantwait #afewmoremonths #2020 #soccerfan #mls #sportsarefun #inittowinit #highjopes #throwmeabeer #notatme #aboveme #vela #lafc #the3252 #losangelesisblackamdgold #supporterssection #blockoffmycalendar #please

Los Angeles, California