I’m reaaalllyyy Looking forward to #eltrafico this year! Galaxy Fans are hilarious when they try to make a point! Los Angeles is Black and Gold ! As a half Mexican chicharito goin to the Galaxy slightly hurts my feelings but as a Soccer Fan, it’ll be that much enjoyable watching a Mexican galaxy fan cry ! Enjoy the Sun in Carson! #LAFC @mahboobtubetv .
#LosAngeles #BlackandGold #Daledaledale #jumpforlafootballclub #lafootballclub #LosAngelesFootballClub #LATimes #carson #mlsmemes #soccer #soccermemes #meme #memetime #galaxyfans #enjoy #haha #funny #hilarious #lol #memeoftheday #bancofcaliforniastadium #The3252 #3252 #funnymemes #Takethat #Trashtalk #LA #Mahboobtubetv
Banc of California Stadium
Chicha is wack bro
@yourboysteveee he is no Ztan that’s for sure