Check out my last Pilot Episode 2 and Brand BRAND NEW Episode, Episode 3, where I'm talking about the LAFC new jerseys and the Lakers injury problemos but back to back here we come?? Amir Speaketh Sports Loveth is now on Spotify Podcast, Anchor.fm, Google Podcasts, PocketCasts, RadioPublic, and Breaker. Please follow and subscribe, i would love your support! #LinkinBio⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠

Check out my last Pilot Episode 2 and Brand BRAND NEW Episode, Episode 3, where I'm talking about the LAFC new jerseys and the Lakers injury problemos but back to back here we come?? Amir Speaketh Sports Loveth is now on Spotify Podcast, Anchor.fm, Google Podcasts, PocketCasts, RadioPublic, and Breaker. Please follow and subscribe, i would love your support! #LinkinBio⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠

Check out my last Pilot Episode 2 and Brand BRAND NEW Episode, Episode 3, where I’m talking about the LAFC new jerseys and the Lakers injury problemos but back to back here we come?? Amir Speaketh Sports Loveth is now on Spotify Podcast, Anchor.fm, Google...
LINK in my bio! I have created a New Podcast to share my love of all sports but especially Los Angeles Sports! I'll be covering every LAFC game and also be doing weekly Podcast/Vlogcasts covering everything from the Lakers, Dodgers, LA RAMS, international Soccer, and World Cup updates! I'm looking forward to getting this project off the ground so if you can please follow on Spotify "Amir Speaketh Sports Loveth" and Subscribe to my youtube channel "MahboobTubeTV"⁠ where i'll be posting the vlogcast every week I would greatly appreciate it, I'm looking forward to sharing my passion of Sports with you all! Now let's go get more championships :) I've uploaded my pilot episode so i hope you enjoy!⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠

LINK in my bio! I have created a New Podcast to share my love of all sports but especially Los Angeles Sports! I'll be covering every LAFC game and also be doing weekly Podcast/Vlogcasts covering everything from the Lakers, Dodgers, LA RAMS, international Soccer, and World Cup updates! I'm looking forward to getting this project off the ground so if you can please follow on Spotify "Amir Speaketh Sports Loveth" and Subscribe to my youtube channel "MahboobTubeTV"⁠ where i'll be posting the vlogcast every week I would greatly appreciate it, I'm looking forward to sharing my passion of Sports with you all! Now let's go get more championships :) I've uploaded my pilot episode so i hope you enjoy!⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠

https://www.amirgoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/link-in-my-bio-i-have-created-a-new-podcast-to-share-my-love-of-all-sports-but-especially-los-angele.mp4 LINK in my bio! I have created a New Podcast to share my love of all sports but especially Los Angeles Sports!...