I think it took me 20 mins to post this cuz I was stuck just staring at the loop for the past 15 mins  it’s somehow satisfying knowing he will never hit the ground 🤣 anyways Day 9 has been the suckiest of them all! Everyday has been terrible news after terrible news so I hope this ends soon so we can let the good times roll once again STAY SAFE EVERYONE AND STAY YOUR ASS HOME! . . . .

I think it took me 20 mins to post this cuz I was stuck just staring at the loop for the past 15 mins it’s somehow satisfying knowing he will never hit the ground 🤣 anyways Day 9 has been the suckiest of them all! Everyday has been terrible news after terrible news so I hope this ends soon so we can let the good times roll once again STAY SAFE EVERYONE AND STAY YOUR ASS HOME! . . . .

http://www.amirgoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/i-think-it-took-me-20-mins-to-post-this-cuz-i-was-stuck-just-staring-at-the-loop-for-the-past-15-min.mp4 I think it took me 20 mins to post this cuz I was stuck just staring at the loop for the past 15 mins it’s...
Somos Del Barrio Angelino Somos la Banda Popular Cantamos en Las Buenas y Malas A LAFC Vengo a alentar Por que LAFC es Pasion Yo Lo Aliento en el Tablon Sentimiento que nace Del corazon Cuando llegue mi final Con La Banda voy a Estar Desde el cielo haciendo un CARNAVALLLLLLLLL :   we sing we dance we are merry  . . . . #

Somos Del Barrio Angelino Somos la Banda Popular Cantamos en Las Buenas y Malas A LAFC Vengo a alentar Por que LAFC es Pasion Yo Lo Aliento en el Tablon Sentimiento que nace Del corazon Cuando llegue mi final Con La Banda voy a Estar Desde el cielo haciendo un CARNAVALLLLLLLLL : we sing we dance we are merry . . . . #

Somos Del Barrio Angelino Somos la Banda Popular Cantamos en Las Buenas y Malas A LAFC Vengo a alentar Por que LAFC es Pasion Yo Lo Aliento en el Tablon Sentimiento que nace Del corazon Cuando llegue mi final Con La Banda voy a Estar Desde el cielo haciendo un...