Great LA Sports Day today! We will officially become Virtual Fans for the NBA playoffs! My first time too so I’m excited AF! Following the Laker game we will become LAFC virtual fans for the LA derby! I’m super excited for all the games today, can it be 530 already!! Also, let’s not forget, Dodgers on the side tv lol but no virtual fandom, yet! Haha!! Stay up Laker Nation we gonna comeback strong  . . . ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣

Great LA Sports Day today! We will officially become Virtual Fans for the NBA playoffs! My first time too so I’m excited AF! Following the Laker game we will become LAFC virtual fans for the LA derby! I’m super excited for all the games today, can it be 530 already!! Also, let’s not forget, Dodgers on the side tv lol but no virtual fandom, yet! Haha!! Stay up Laker Nation we gonna comeback strong . . . ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣

Great LA Sports Day today! We will officially become Virtual Fans for the NBA playoffs! My first time too so I’m excited AF! Following the Laker game we will become LAFC virtual fans for the LA derby! I’m super excited for all the games today, can it be 530 already!!...
KOBE KOBE KOBE . . . . .

KOBE KOBE KOBE . . . . .

https://www.amirgoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/kobe-kobe-kobe-kobe-.-.-.-.-.-神戸-gigi-lakers4life-mambaforever-gigibryant-kobeforever-kobe-bonsa.mp4 KOBE KOBE KOBE #KOBE . . . . . #神戸 #gigi #lakers4life #mambaforever #gigibryant #kobeforever #kobe #bonsaitrees...


https://www.amirgoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/we-are-back-baby-lakers-for-life-.-.-.-.-.-lakers-lakersforever-october-nbafinals-lakersnation-laker.mp4 WE ARE BACK BABY , LAKERS FOR LIFE! . . . . . #lakers #lakersforever #october #nbafinals #lakersnation...
I remember in the 90s when Nic

I remember in the 90s when Nic

I remember in the 90s when Nick Van Exel would throw lobs to Eddie Jones! The Early 00s when we ThreePeated, the Early 10s was so weak but I was still a fan, I couldn’t budge because I knew one day we would be back contending! It took way longer than I thought but now...