Los Angeles, California stands with those who have suffered injustices around the world! From USA to Mexico to Iran to around the world a million times! Demand justice, demand respect! Love for all 🏻🏼🏽🏾🏿 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣

Los Angeles, California stands with those who have suffered injustices around the world! From USA to Mexico to Iran to around the world a million times! Demand justice, demand respect! Love for all 🏻🏼🏽🏾🏿 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣

Los Angeles, California stands with those who have suffered injustices around the world! From USA to Mexico to Iran to around the world a million times! Demand justice, demand respect! Love for all 🏻🏼🏽🏾🏿 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #saveourchildren #humanrights #equality...
Not ALL cops are bad , I gotta say it! Of course there are bad people in powerful positions all the time but we need change and when people are evil they need to be held accountable for their actions…I’m sure we all know someone who is great at their job and some who are terrible…we need change to have the bad cops out and more good cops in! We still have a long way to go but spread love not hate, even if towards the people with a badge…here is a spotlight on a good cop! Stay safe this weekend but be part of the change, if u see someone tagging, stop them, if u see someone looting stop them! Our actions will prevail and I have hope change is on the way …peaceful protests are needed more than ever so be the change you want to see in the world ! . . . . Black Lives Do Matter!

Not ALL cops are bad , I gotta say it! Of course there are bad people in powerful positions all the time but we need change and when people are evil they need to be held accountable for their actions…I’m sure we all know someone who is great at their job and some who are terrible…we need change to have the bad cops out and more good cops in! We still have a long way to go but spread love not hate, even if towards the people with a badge…here is a spotlight on a good cop! Stay safe this weekend but be part of the change, if u see someone tagging, stop them, if u see someone looting stop them! Our actions will prevail and I have hope change is on the way …peaceful protests are needed more than ever so be the change you want to see in the world ! . . . . Black Lives Do Matter!

https://www.amirgoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/not-all-cops-are-bad-i-gotta-say-it-of-course-there-are-bad-people-in-powerful-positions-all-the-tim.mp4 Not ALL cops are bad , I gotta say it! Of course there are bad people in powerful positions all the time but we...
Equality for All…Love is Love …Love wins . . . . .

Equality for All…Love is Love …Love wins . . . . .

Equality for All…Love is Love …Love wins . . . . . #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaud #endpolicebrutality #georgefloyd #speakup #equality #pridemonth #justice #blacklivesmatter #lovewins #nojusticenopeace #lakeoswegoevent #barre #blm #protests...